M,Square,Kunal Icon Road,Near Sai Mandir,Pimple Saudagar,Pune-4110027https://goo.gl/maps/xNk8xoZC36z

Montessori is a unique method of education centering on the sensitive period of learning between the ages 3 and 6 years when children absorb easily in an enriching environment. According to Dr. Maria Montessori, the goal of early childhood education should be to create in a child, a love for knowledge and a strong desire to learn. The Montessori classroom provides the environment and materials that children need for their personal development. Children are given the freedom to choose their activities according to their own interests and readiness in a non-competitive environment. The habits and skills which children develop become an integral part of their personality. They will help them grow more confidently, observe more carefully, and concentrate better throughout their life.


The aims of Practical Life Exercises is to enable the child to be familiar with environment and become independent in performing day to day tasks. These activities help the child to develop fine and gross motor skills along with enabling him/her to take care of self and the environment around him/her. Development of concentration, co-ordination of movements, patience, a sense of order and good work habits are the other outcomes of these exercises. The child also learns social grace and courtesies and responsibilities, which help make him/her a more confident individual.

The Sensorial module provides learning through five sense organs. The activities are designed to train and refine each the sense, namely visual, tactile, olfactory, gustatory and auditory, while simultaneously developing the intellect.

Language is taught through a graded phonic system. The child is slowly taken through the process of language development beginning with learning the phonetic sounds of the alphabet and moving on to word building and then sentence construction. This system helps the child master all four aspects of language – listening, speaking, writing and reading. Importance is given to the development of oral skills through group discussion, story- telling, show and tell and rhymes sessions.

The Mathematical module introduces children to numbers and the decimal system that forms the base for learning mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The material begins with concrete experiences and moves children towards the abstract. There is also a progression of difficulties.

Culture module creates in the child an awareness of the world around him/her. It teaches the child various aspects of nature and his/her surroundings through activities related to Zoology, Botany, Geography and History. A cosmic approach ensures that the child learns not only about his/her own culture but also the cultures from across the world, thus inculcating values of love and respect towards every being in his/her environment.

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